And welcome back! If you're a recent subscriber, this is the third edition of a newsletter where I share news about writings, events, software, and creative work. This month marks the start of my Marie-Curie Fellowship! I moved to Coimbra, and I'm eager to start sharing more about the IIMPAQCT project. As always, you can see the previous newsletters backed up here. And feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested in signing up.
The second edition of the International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Musical Creativity (ISQCMC) is happening later this year in Berlin - October 5 and 6, 2023. I am serving on the executive committee and will be looking forward to getting to know other researchers in this field. The symposium has a call for original papers reporting on scientific, technical, and/or artistic developments in quantum computer music, that is open until July 1st, 2023, at 23:59 (MESZ).
ENIM 2023
I am serving on the Scientific Board for the XII Meeting on Music Research by the Portuguese Society for Research in Music (SPIM). This meeting takes place in Mafra, Portugal, between September 28th and October 1st, 2023. It includes papers, panels, and performances as well.
CARDS, an Android app
CARDS by OCH app logo
A different type of project, but I thought I would still share it here. I am interested in non-verbal communication, and accessibility, for different personal and professional reasons, but this one might even be useful in more contexts. Often times, in the middle of a conversation, I need to write down some piece of information and confirm that is written correctly, say you're exchanging emails. Regular message, contacts, or other note apps have a default font size that is difficult to see if you don't hold the device at arms length. This app is just that: a quick note taking app that maximizes the font size to the available screen space, with some added features like speech-to-text and text-to-speech. If you try it and have some feedback, I would love to read that here. This is my first android app to share with other ppl, so I'm pretty sure it still needs some work.
In the context of the PVM project, in collaboration with Grant Speich, I created 2 multichannel video installation pieces, Multiscreenverse Composition I & II, that are part of the recent exhibition Expanded Ecologies,at the Beall Center for Art + Technology. This exhibition, curated by Zachary Korol Gold, opened on May 20, and will be on display until June 10, 2023.
The newly introduced electroacoustic duo, NPhz, will be performing in New York City, at the NYCEMF (New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival). Me and Scott Oshiro, who recently successfully defended his PhD, will be performing new music that explores the connection between quantum physics and music, Jazz, improvisation and creativity. Our set will take place at the Sheen Center for Thought and Culture, on the 21st of June, 1pm.
/Equations of Coltrane
NPHz's /Equations of Coltrane album cover
Last but not least, NPHZ has just released its debut album: /Equations of Coltrane! This 5 tracks album features quantum computer music using live acoustic instruments, the Quantum Synthesizer (designed by me), and Lineage (designed by Scott), a quantum computer improvisation system. It blends and mashes together the acoustic, the electronic, and the electroacoustic spaces in an auditory superposition that comes alive in the context of our shared technology and improvised music practice.