Hello Reader, Watch the summer fade away... and "back to school" propaganda enters the scene. Can anyone escape its fate? I too will contribute to this seasoning, anticipating what's to come, and what to learn next, although in a less politically charged manner - breaking free before November! I know, it's been a minute, last newsletter was in June - a busy July and early August to blame, but also time to pause and to welcome the new tenant :) Last year I also skip-rope a month or two, as we can see on the backups ​here​. Still, as always, do share this with anyone who might be interested in ​signing up​. WRITINGQuantum HarmonyThe "Intro to Quantum Harmony" paper presentation at MCM24, together with the Max guru and kitchen sensei, Chris Dobrian, is now available on ​youtube​. This work is probably one of the best places to start learning about Quantum Computing and Creative Practice for those more Music Theory inclined. The paper, mentioned in the ​last newsletter​ also includes a companion website: ​https://harmony.quantumland.art/mcm24​​ Quantum Memory and Mathematical GesturesThe other paper that was also presented at MCM24, and mentioned in the ​last newsletter​, has its recording on ​youtube​ as well. "Quantum Memory and Mathematical Gestures: Two Perspectives on Verdi and Wagner" was a collaboration with Maria Mannone and Alberto Avitabile, though only presented by me in person at MCM24. The preprint is also now available ​here​. EVENTSNew Masters degree in Computer Music and Sound Design at UCI'm very pleased to finally be able to share a project that I've been involved in for a while now, almost since I joined University of Coimbra (UC): building an entire new Masters degree in Computer Music and Sound Design at UC! And this degree is very special for many different reasons. First of all, it is one of the first few degrees at a ​new campus of UC in Figueira da Foz​ - which is the coastal town in a straight line from Coimbra. Secondly, this is a "disruptive degree", and it is not me who's saying that: ​media article from July last year​ reporting on city council real estate agreements for a new UC campus quoted the UC Dean on keeping the details about the new courses a secret and revealing only that they are disruptive. It doesn't run of a semester nor quarter system, but instead a new modular sequence where students spend an intensive smaller number of weeks on a single class at a time. Thirdly, this degree is the result of a cross-campus collaboration: from Humanities Department, to Informatics Engineering Department, to CEIS20 research center, and more. Students will be able to work with diverse faculty and learn about a range of topics from Music Theory, to Sound Design, and Artificial Intelligence. Because this degree is so new, applications will be open between 2nd and 13th of September. EQTC 2024The Quantum Flagship conference ​EQTC​ (European Quantum Technologies Conference) will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 18th to 20th of November. QC and Creative Practice will be a part of this event, even if only for the accepted posters. More info at a later time. SOFTWAREKeyboard MonitorAnother max for live device in collaboration with Side Brain is out now: ​Keyboard Monitor​. This simple device can be used to easily display the keys being pressed - useful when teaching Music Theory, learning a new MIDI instrument, and more. It features dynamic sizing, a floating window (always on top), pitch, mod wheel, and sustain pedal visualizer, and a scale visualizer connected to Ableton’s scale awareness system. Did you get the snakehips reference? ​ ​​Unsubscribe​ · ​Preferences​​ |